Thursday, August 30, 2007

And the Beat Goes on

So things are picking up. I'm trying to keep up. I'm not doing too badly, but I need how to learn to work on things that aren't of immediate concern, because they become bigger immediate concerns (so I'm learning). Before it wasn't too bad; once in a blue moon I would stay up til 1am writing an English essay. I could get away with it. If I leave my homework until the night before it is due, I will have a nervous breakdown and have to be sent to some institute. I don't want to do that, so I'm trying to keep on task and get things done quickly, for my sanity.

If anybody has a method that works for getting longterm assignments done over time, let me know. Like anybody even reads this.

Confession of the Day: I bought those donuts yesterday.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Weekends Are My Favorite

Despite working, I had a lot of fun this weekend. Friday night after work, I went to the football game and out to eat with friends. Then I worked Saturday, but after that I went to the Junior Miss pageant to support Liz (she won by the way). From there, I went to a friend's birthday celebration. And I ended up at Colin's house, where I was supposed to play video games and converse with my Ben, Colin, and Ross, but instead, I went to sleep within minutes of arriving. I slept for about 12 hours. It was a much needed rest.

Today, I violated Sabbath by working all day. First physical labor, which I decided wasn't for me, then homework. I should be working on some homework right now, but it's not due until Tuesday, so I gave myself a break to update this.

I decided that I want to go on the trip that the Spanish club is arranging. A two week tour of France, Spain, and Morocco, I can't wait. And I might have an unexpected five hundred dollars coming my way. I've been thinking about my next trip since before I got back from Peru, so I figure this is a good step. Plus, it's a good idea to have a goal that I'm saving money for, otherwise, I spend it. No more mindless consumerism for me.

Today's Confession: I lied twice today and I feel bad about it.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Hump Day Is Almost Over

Wednesday is hump day; the day the divides the week in two. I've made it past the first half of this week. It's not that I want the week to be over, I just want to get past this part where being a good student is hard and foreign to me. I want it to be second nature. I realize it's a process and that diligence and organization never be ingrained in me unless I continually make the choice to be diligent and organized, but it's a little tiring and redundant, to be honest. I can see my life for the next week consisting solely of schoolwork, work, and homework. I guess I make it sound worse than it is. I enjoy my classes, even AP US History; which I have with my brother.

But tonight, Barack Obama is on the Daily Show, I'm going to a party on Friday, and one month from today (31 days), I will be 18. So, those are my highlights to look forward to.

Today's Confession: I already messed up being a perfect student by neglecting two assignments (though I did so through no act of consciousness), but I can still go for "good," I guess.

P.S. Buy an ad in the school magazine. We make it look "Awesome" and then thousands of high school students will buy things from you. Completely sincere.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The First Day

Today was the first day of madness. I am pretty content with my classes, just overwhelmed. It suddenly became real. Instead of talking about how I will have to be organize and stay on task, I had to start doing those things. I have my first test tomorrow over Sophie's World. And I had a few small assignments to do for other classes. I now only need to study for the test. Well, that and work from 4-9.

I've requested less hours at ABC Warehouse, but I have followed up on my letter. I hope that they'll be okay and that it will be enough and I won't have to quit. Well, things to do, can't sit here typing all day.

Confession of the Day: I have no idea if this will work.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Starting Off

Okay, so I figured I would try to keep a blog. I don't know if anybody will read it, now that they see me every day, but I figure this year will be as interesting as last. With 4 AP classes first trimester, a job, and being an editor for the school magazine, I've got a lot on my plate. Hopefully this doesn't become a boring recap of all my homework. I'll try to keep it interesting. If all else fails, I'll lie or make myself do something worth writing about.

Today's Confession: I haven't finished my books for AP, yet.

(I'll try to give you one of those each post)