Friday, October 5, 2007

Falling down

After school, I left my planner in the already-locked Jlab. I had to find an English teacher to let me in, to get it out. From there I went to jump Ben's car. By the time I left the school it was 3:30. I rushed home changed and headed out for work. I got stopped by a train. I arrived at work 8 min. late. I left work at 7pm and went to the homecoming game.

Breaking the rules, I went to sit at the end zone with the NHS rockers. Kareem, Spencer,and I sat together. After halftime, we went to get ice cream and see Anna. It was good. Ben, Alix and the exchange student from Mexico, Norka, met us there. Free ice cream and friends. Is there any better? I dropped the guys off at the game, just as my car started making the "I need gas RIGHT NOW!" jerking movement. So, I went to see if I could get gas cheaper than the 20 cent increase at the Citgo I saw today. I did, it was 2.50/gallon! I was on my way home to get some stuff for SAT's tomorrow (dear god, I'm scared), and I was content with the evening. It was a perfect night.

I got home. I can't even type the words, but a long story short, I packed my suitcase after throwing pots, pans and whatever was in arms length, and I moved out. I'm 18, my mother has no custody or visitation rights anymore, I've made my decision. I will no longer refer to my dad's house as "my dad's house," it is now "home." At least for now it is, this may all blow over. I don't see that happening. I plan on keeping this with me for a while, though, I feel I've carried this sentiment for years. If I sound vague, that is because I intend to be. I won't tell you, so don't ask. If you do ask, I will probably be just as vague, but in different words. I'm a little hurt, but how can you see an archer load their arrow to the string, aim, and release and be surprised when you get struck? Please, for the love of God, don't treat me like a puppy. I'm not a defenseless pet; I can handle this.

But for now, I have to put this behind me. I have SAT's tomorrow, and I can't be distracted. I'm off to bed. Wish me luck.


Today's Confession: I don't want to stay in a hostel in Quebec, so stop asking.

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