Monday, October 8, 2007

This Weekend

This weekend was quite strange. It was so short, but as I'm remembering it, it seems to have gone on forever. Friday was work, game, then a plummet to complete disillusionment. Saturday was SATs, work, then a boring evening spent working on a digital ad contract. Sunday was extreme boredom and inability to concentrate, then concentration and homework for an hour, followed by a fun evening of gaming fellowship. Today is an extension of the weekend. It's consisted of waking up late, starting my work, getting interrupted to go watch a million children, then going to work.

It's funny, I should be freaking out right now. I haven't gotten far enough in my literature review for English and I still have history homework to do, but I am eerily calm about it all. Calm, and yet, I still have this pit in the bottom of a stomach. It tells me something is not right: Tasks unfulfilled, my impending doom, emotional distress, nervous anticipation, uncertainty, digestive problems? The pit is very vague.

I must be going.


Today's Confession: Some days it's all I can do to grip my sanity and keep it from abandoning me. Today is not one of those days.

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