Saturday, September 22, 2007


Okay, I thought I'd write about turning 18, because it feels like a big deal to me. I've never been really big on birthdays, but this one I am. I realize it doesn't mean a thing to anybody else, but it's not anybody else that is writing this blog.

I'm legally an adult. I always thought when clicking on "I agree to the terms of use" buttons on programs, websites, and whatever else that it didn't matter if I did break the rules, I couldn't be charged with anything legally binding. Whether that is true, I don't know, but it sounded right.

Eighteen is almost like an adult. I can do the majority of things anybody else can now. I could go to Canada on a whim. Buy a really awesome computer and put it on a credit card. Get addicted to cigarettes. Vote for a less incompetent government official. Or enlist in the military and blow stuff up.

It seems funny that I am now old enough to get a credit card and destroy my finances, be drafted into a war, vote, be charged as an adult in court proceedings, drive a car, stay out until whenever I want, move out, buy porn, buy cigarettes, travel international borders, but I am not of legal age to drink. Not that I want to drink so badly, but it's weird that I am an adult, but not really. The government will trust me to hold a gun, vote on a president, and buy land, but they won't trust me with alcohol.

I guess 18 is cool, but I am really more excited about a day of my own than being legally deemed an adult. In my mind, I've been 18 for a year and a half. Nobody tells me what I can and can't do. I learned to make choices and live with the consequences a long time ago. My parents understand this and haven't scolded me for doing something wrong or told me what to do since I left for Peru. So, great, now I have the title of adult. It doesn't really change a thing, but it gives me an excuse to make today all about me. And I'm okay with that.

1 comment:

Denisa L said...

happy birthday!don't worry, be happy...